When it comes to quality automobile insurance not all policy providers are equal. Many people make the mistake of having not enough auto insurance or the wrong type of coverage. Often times this is only discovered by the policy holder after an accident; when it’s to late.
Safeco is a reputable vehicle insurance provider offering a wide wide variety of coverage on automobiles, boats, motorcycles and many other types of vehicles. Safeco first entered the auto insurance business in 1953. You will have piece of mind knowing you’re dealing with an insurance company that has over 57 years of experience in the auto insurance industry.
Safeco Auto insurance can be an invaluable resource that can help protect the investment you have in your motor vehicle. You will be covered in the event that your vehicle is damaged by collision, fire, theft, vandalism and many other unforeseen circumstances. You will be able to rest easy knowing that you and your assets will be shielded against an accident related lawsuit. And you will be covered in the event that you are involved in a collision with a under insured driver, or a driver who fails to carry auto insurance. Safeco insurance also covers medical bills in the event that you or your passengers need medical attention due to an auto related accident.
By visiting www.Safeco.com you will have access to the many of the unique insurace policies offered. You will be able to make an informed decision about what policy is best for you and your family. At www.safeco.com you will have access to a free insurance quotes. This invaluable tool to find the coverage that works best for your needs.
By visiting www.Safeco.com you will have access to the many of the unique insurace policies offered. You will be able to make an informed decision about what policy is best for you and your family. At www.safeco.com you will have access to a free insurance quotes. This invaluable tool to find the coverage that works best for your needs.
Safeco also offers many advantages by allowing you to add unique optional coverage to supplement you auto insurance policy. Safeco refers to this as the Optimum package, which includes the following:
-Diminishing Deductible – decreases your collision deductible by $50 every six months you remain claim-free, up to a maximum of $500.
– Accident Forgiveness – the first accident on your policy is waived after only 3 years without an at-fault collision or violation while insured with Safeco.
– Waiver of Adjustment for Depreciation or Betterment pays for parts on those items that often wear-out (e.g. tires, breaks, etc.) when damaged.
– Pet Coverage – pays up to $500 for veterinary expenses or death benefit if your cat or dog is injured or dies in collision while in a covered or non-owned auto.
– Worldwide Rental – Coverage extends comprehensive and collision coverage (not liability coverage) to any rental car worldwide, subject to your policy deductible. Coverage provided under the base policy, including liability, is already extended to vehicles rented in the US and Canada.
– Comprehensive Deductible Waiver – waives the comprehensive deductible after a total loss.
– Electronic Lock/Key Replacement – Deductible Waiver will replace lost or stolen electronic keys and locks without applying your deductible.
– Emergency Expenses will pay up to $200 for expense due to vehicle disablement and up to $1000 for emergency transportation, meals, and lodging in the event of an accident more than 25 miles away from home.
– Liability Coverage for Punitive Damages waives the exclusion for punitive or exemplary damages (where allowed).
– Personal Property Coverage pays up to $1000 for items damaged or stolen from your vehicle.
Tapes, records, disks and other media covers up to $500 for tapes, records, disks and other media.
Tapes, records, disks and other media covers up to $500 for tapes, records, disks and other media.
– Death Benefits pays a benefit of $2000 per fatality and any unused medical payments limit, if medical payments coverage applies to the policy. Pays a benefit of $2,000 per fatality if only Personal Injury Protection coverage applies to the policy ($4,000 maximum).
– Increased Loss of Income pays $400 per day when we request you attend a trial or hearing.
With coverage such as this, it’s no wonder that so many people are turning to Safeco for their auto insurance needs. So please stop in to a Safeco insurance representative, or go online and receive your free quote today.
You can protect yourself from this situation by visiting a Safeco Auto insurance agent or by visiting us atwww.Safeco.com .
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